The Search Firm

How do we serve the Energy Industry?

We are your global Energy Talent Search Partner.  We provide worldwide executive, management and individual contributor retained search for all disciplines throughout the Energy Industry.  We have completed thousands of complex, confidential and critical timing assignments around the globe.  Our team consists of Energy Industry Operating Company talent that have transferred their skills to Retained Search.  Our 75 years in Energy and Retained Search provides our clients the best combination of historical insights, access to top talent and "both sides of the coin" perspective when making critical Human Capital decisions.


Tribal Knowledge Solutions: Our Consulting Services division, provides Alternative Talent Solutions, across a broad array of Human Capital Client needs.  We provide not only global retained search but also a host of related Service Offerings to further complement your Human Capital Goals.  We want to work with you throughout the entire Talent Demand Cycle from Interns and College Recruiting to High Potential and Executive Succession Planning to Retirement and Alumni Tribal Knowledge Transfer Solutions.

We are uniquely positioned to help our client companies recruit, retain, recapture and re-utilize their talent resources over the complete work-life cycle.  (Please click any link to learn more....)